
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022



You are going to talk about the topic that it appears in your card. Take a look to the rubric file to see what you need to obtain as many points as possible. 

You have to create a power point to present your topic. Follow the instructions

  • You have to speak for about 2-3 minutes
  • The power point must have photos and some key words
  • YOU CAN´T READ the power point. This is just a help. You have to speak with your own words. Look at this example 

Note the main ideas from your partner because at the end of this term we will play a kahoot with all your topics. The winner will obtain some points and you can add to any of your exams

1st : 0.4 points        2nd: 0.3points     3rd: 0.2 points       

England vs United Kingdom vs Great Britain


England vs United Kingdom vs Great Britain