
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Environment. How green are you?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The 3R´s. Watch the video and give more ideas. 

How many products could you throw in each recycling bin in one minute?. Draw four columns in your notebook and write as many products as possible for each bin

1.- Work in groups. Divide your table in 4, look at the picture and throw your cards in the proper bin. You have 1 minute
2. You need to have 6 elements in each bin, complete them with your own cards. EX: a glass
3. We give our cards to another group. The teacher has 4 bins in her desk. Relay race, put a card and go back.

First of all let´s know more about this talent show.

This is Levi Root. Look at his casting

 Watch the result!!

Now it´s your turn. Imagine you are participants of this Talent Show. The investors are looking for a green company which sells "green" hand-made gifts. Open the word file for having the instructions


domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Defining relative clauses

Look at this sentence and tranlate them into Spanish

  • Look at these other sentences. What is the nexus and why?
    • This is the restaurant where we ate last week
    • That was the birthday when we met.
    • The girl, whose father is an engineer, works here.
    • She is the girl who works with my mother.


1. Look at these two sentences and tranform them in a single defining sentence
2. Game (wordwall). Choose the correct option

Cloze test

Choose the correct option

Games (firefox)

Watch the video "The pig who cried wolf". Then match the beginning of the sentences with the endings. Use a defining relative pronoun to match them.


1.      Heilmich is the pig

a._____ was picking the knifes was a wolf


2.      Heilmich saw a poor lady                 

b. ___________the pigs are eating was plenty of food


3.      The place                                             

c.______  cap is yellow


4.      The ladder                                           

d._____ the wolf was burying was very suspicious


5.      The neighbor  

e.______ Helmich gets on to spy people fell down.


6.      The suitcase 

f.______ unearthed the suitcase was really the wolf


7.      The lady     

g.______ the children lived was a shoe. 



8.      The kitchen 

h. _____ was forcing children to make shoes